A Strangle is a volatility bet where you simultaneously long a put at Strike Price 2 and long a put at Strike Price 1, betting the stock price will make a big movement in either direction. This is similar to a Straddle, but the trader shorts the stocks instead of buying them (but the profit is basically the same)

Future Options are exactly what their name implies – an option on a futures contract.

Option strategies allow you select any number of pros and cons depending on your strategy, that cannot be done with simply owning or shorting the stock. Read this article for more details on option strategies!

A straddle is an investment strategy that involves the purchase or sale of an option allowing the investor to profit regardless of the direction of movement of the underlying asset, usually a stock. There are two straddle strategies, a long straddle and a short straddle. Click on this post to learn more about the differences between these two straddle strategies.

This article can help you decipher options symbols into meaningful information to help you understand the option at hand!

Options are complicated but can be beneficial if you understand them and you know how to read options tables. Read this article to learn the basics!

An option allows you to pay a certain amount of money (the option price) to allow you to buy or sell a stock at the price (strike price) you decided on when buying the option.

A Call Option gives the holder the right, but not the need to purchase a fixed quantity of a particular stock at a specific price inside a particular time. Call Options are bought by investors who anticipate a price increase.